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Membership Meeting

We are kicking off the new year! Join us for a presentation by the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED).  They will share with us information about business services and resources available to businesses.  The presentation will be by Linda Tabor and Amy Honer. As always there will also be plenty of time to …

Membership Meeting

Join us for our next membership meeting! 2015 Vision for East Bethel by Mayor Steve Voss Financial Update by City Finance Director, Mike Jeziorski Business Spotlight Dan Richardson with Northway Sports  

Membership Meeting

"HEART Safe Initiative" presented by Troy Lachinski with the East Bethel Fire Department You can find more information here.

Membership Meeting

  The City of East Bethel is partnering with Connexus Energy, the East Bethel Chamber of Commerce and the University of Minnesota to initiate a Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E) project for businesses in East Bethel.  Funding is in place to begin the initiative in the last half of 2015.  Come to find out how …

Annual Meeting & Member Appreciation Luncheon

Annual Meeting and Member Appreciation Luncheon! We love our members!  Come join us for a free luncheon for our members! We are asking all guests to bring a non-perishable food item for the NACE Foodshelf! Please RSVP no later than Friday, December 4th. Please send RSVP to or 612-599-9688! You can also complete this …

January Membership Meeting

GET FOUND ON GOOGLE SEARCH AND MAPS! We’re partnering with Google to help put every business on the map—including yours. Businesses that have complete business information online are twice as likely to be considered reputable by consumers. When people can find info about local dentists, dry cleaners, and your business, our community becomes even stronger. …

Chamber Meeting

TOPIC - Comprehensive Plan Update Speaker: Colleen Winter Every 10 years communities within the Metropolitan Council service area are required to update their Comprehensive plan.   A Comprehensive Plan is a document that guides development in a City including land use, water and wastewater facilities, natural resources, transportation, parks and recreation, and economic development.   Colleen Winter, …

September Membership Meeting

Program Title-  Building Business Success:  Turning Ideas Into Action You asked for it and we are delivering!  Based on member feedback, the East Bethel and Ham Lake Chamber's of Commerce are pleased to invite you to the first Building Business Success workshop on September 8, 2016 at 8am at the East Bethel Senior Center (adjacent …

Membership Meeting  We heard you! As a result of the BRE information we are taking action to create a website for local businesses to post job openings and advertise their business to keep local talent working in the East Bethel community. Our local website: will go live this Fall and we are looking for your …